Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Papa earns master's degree in engineering

Engr. Ervin F. Papa
Engr. Ervin F. Papa, a faculty member of the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE) earned the degree of Master in Engineering major in Water Engineering and Management from the Cavite State University on 3 December 2012.

Engr. Papa is an agricultural engineer and teaches Farm Electrification, Fisheries Science and Mathematics. Currently, he is the coordinator of the DAFE Seminar Series. (SDFenol)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Local PAEStigan held

Engr. Ervin F. Papa with Annalyn B. Encarnacion
(3rd place), Ronnie F. Mercado (2nd place) and
Reynaldo V. Villanueva Jr. (1st place).
The Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering sponsored the CEIT PAEStigan at the College Conference Room on 21 November 2012.  The activity aimed to promote awareness among the senior agricultural engineering students about the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES) and to select the official contestants of the university to the Inter-Luzon State Colleges and Universities PAES Quiz Contest to be held in January at the University of the Philippines Los BaƱos, College, Laguna.

The local contest simulated the types of questions given in the national contest: written examination for the first round and oral phase for the average and difficult rounds. Annalyn B. Encarnacion (3rd place), Ronnie F. Mercado (2nd place) and Reynaldo V. Villanueva Jr. (1st place) received cash prizes and certificates.

Engr. Ervin F. Papa, coordinator of the activity, announced that Gee Jay C. Bartolome and Claudine May P. Gomez (top two scorers in the written examination round) and Reynaldo V. Villanueva Jr. (top scorer in the problem solving round) would represent the university in the national contest.  (LLCero)