Tuesday, December 7, 2021



The Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE) together with the Department of Information Technology (DIT) and Sugar Palm Research, Information and Trade Center (SPRINT) had successfully launched the first Kaong Serye: Tiba – Tiba sa Tuba last November 23, 2021 via Zoom and FB live. It was attended by students, faculty members, representative from different LGU and cooperative and selected kaong farmers.  

            During her opening statement, Dr. Marilyn Escobar echoed  the importance of continuous research on kaong sugar processing to further harnessed its potential. Due to its low glycemic index, kaong sugar is considered as good alternative to our conventional white sugar. She also added that this technology will help our local kaong famers increase their income. Engr. Arturo C. Eraña, a licensed agricultural and biosystems engineer and currently serving as the Director of SPRINT served as the main speaker of the event. He talked about the process behind kaong sugar production. The session provided much needed information for the kaong famers and other stakeholders who wanted to engage and learn more about the technology. Prof. Charlotte Carandang reminded the kaong farmers that Cavite State University will continue to join them in achieving the success in kaong industry through effective extension and research activities.

This event is just the start, come and join us in the next Kaong Serye!    

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Engr. Mendoza - Olpot presents on the World Conference on applied science engineering and technology

Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza - Olpot is a faculty member of the Department of Agricultural and FoodEngineering. She specialized in food process engineering, importation procedures and incoterms and purchasing and supply chain. Engr. Mendoza - Olpot presented her study entitled "Development of Fabricated Laboratory Scale Extruder Machine for the Production if Rice-Like Grains from Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Dough" on World Conference on Applied Science Engineering and Technology last October 27, 2021. 

The main focus of her research work is to provide solution to malnutrition and food insecurity for the identified communities together with the UPLB - IHNF. The machine helps increase the cassava starch based rice like grains production from 100 grams per day by manual operation to 10 kilograms per day. The the overall performance test of the machine showed an impressive results.  Engr. Mendoza - Olpot's work was in line to the continuous commitment of the department to conduct innovative researches and extend assistance towards the bridging of gaps and solution of problems related to agricultural and biosystems engineering. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

New Professional Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer from CvSU

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) released the results for September 2021 Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer Licensure Examination (ABELE) on October 4, 2021, Monday. The examination was given by the Board of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Legazpi and Tuguegarao last September 29 - 30, 2021. 

As announced 507 out of 1,392 examinees passed the exam with a national passing rate of 36.42%. 11 out of 19 examinees from Cavite State University passed the exam with a passing rate of 57.89%. Engr. Marielle Jezreel R. Oliver added pride to the university by placing eighth in the board examination garnering a rating of 81.64%. 

Congratulations to our latest batch of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer! The Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering is very proud of you! THUMBS UP!

1. Engr. Lino M. Alano II

2. Engr. Maritoni T. Babaan

3. Engr. Marie Ann B. De Jesus

4. Engr. Danielle M. Jimeno

5. Engr. Liam Rober A. Lagarto

6. Engr. Denise V. Loredo

7. Engr. Jan-Dominic P. Lucero

8. Engr. Lira Virginia B. Mora

9. Engr. Mariella Jezreel  R. Oliver (TOP 8)

10. Engr. Sarah Mae C. Pejana

11. Engr. Arnelyn S. Romilla

Sunday, September 19, 2021

DAFE holds orientation for BS ABE freshmen

The Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering conducted a freshmen orientation for the first year BSABE student. The main goal of the event was to orient the freshmen about the important information they need to know as a BSABE student. An audio-visual presentation about the College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT) was played in the event showing the brief history of the college, its milestone and the college administration. Engr. Al Owen Roy Ferrera, DAFE chairperson, gave a talk about the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering. Engr. Ferrera presented the department goals and objectives and also the faculty members of the Department. It was followed by Engr. Jose Carlo Dizon, who talked about the BSABE program. He presented the program objectives, major field of ABE and the job opportunities after graduation. The academic policies guidelines was presented by Engr. Melrose Salona while Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza-Olpot, PSABE Junior Adviser, gave the student a brief background about the official student organization of the BSABE program, its accomplishments and future plans. 

        Princess Lei Medina, BSABE student and former PSABE officer, share her story and experiences with organization and also provided tips for the freshmen on how to cope up with distance learning. The department also invited Engr. Jaykie Homer Hernandez, CvSU alumni and an ABE practitioner who shared about his experiences in the field that made the student aware of what an ABE can do. Each of the members of the faculty gave a message of advice and welcome all the freshmen student to the BSABE program. 

Princess Lei Medina (left) and Engr. Jaykie Homer Hernandez (right)
sharing their experiences as ABE student and ABE practitioner, respectively. 


Friday, September 17, 2021

Dr. Marilyn Escobar is the New VP for Planning and Development

     The turn-over ceremony of the Office of Vice-President for Planning and Development was held last September 15, 2021 via Google Meet. It was attended by the directors, members and staff of the OVPPD. Dr. Camilo Polinga, Vice-President for Administrative and Support Services and also a professor from the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering was also present at the event. This ceremony served as the formal turn-over of the office from Dr. Leyma Cero, who served as VP since the creation of the office on 2017,  to its new VP, Dr. Marilyn Escobar. Dr. Escobar is a professional Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer who specialized on Food Engineering and Bio-processing. She formerly served as STAARRDEC Consortium Director. 

Source: Dr. Leyma Cero FB Post

Source: Dr. Leyma Cero FB Post

   Dr. Escobar and Dr. Cero are both professors from the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE) of the College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT). The department would like congratulate both of them and extend its support to Dr. Escobar for her new journey as the Vice-President for Planning and Development. THUMBS UP! 

Source: Cavite State University FB Page

PSABE-PPG CvSU Chapter collaborates with the other youth organizations in the fight against disinformation in Asia


    Last August 28, 2021,Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering- Pre Professional Group Cavite State University Chapter (PSABE-PPG CvSU Chapter), in partnership with the Project Bayanihan, the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats, the Kilos Ko Youth, and other organizations, had made its first organization’s collaboration for 3rd Makabuluhang Usapan (MU) Webinar on Disinformation in Asia and Policies to Combat them. It was participated by over hundreds youth in the country.

    The speakers on the said event were former Prime Minister of Thailand H.E Abhisit Vejjajiva, Sen. Kiko Pangilinan, and Vice President Leni Robredohave who shared their insights on the importance of proper information research which will guide the youth on their insights and decisions in this digital age.


    The College of Engineering and Information Technology conducted a Webinar on flexible learning, syllabus preparation and course pack preparation last September 3, 2021, from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. It was primarily hosted by a group of instructors composed of Engr. Jose Carlo Dizon, Engr. John Lester Mones and Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza-Olpot from the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE) who participated on the previously concluded Training of Teachers on Flexible Learning hosted by the University of the Philippines – Open University.

    The activity generally aimed to orient/re-orient the new and old faculty members of the College, on the important principles and tools for flexible learning. It specifically aimed to: (1) educate the participants on principles, dimensions, and different modes of flexible learning; (2) increase the awareness of faculty on learners’ needs based on the survey conducted; (3) prepare an OBE syllabi with GAD integration; and (4) prepare the course package components – course guide, study guide, and activity guide.

     There were about 90 participants who attended the webinar. The first speaker was Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza-Olpot who talked about the principle of flexible learning and its importance in our current education set-up. It was followed by Dr. Jake Raymund Fabregar from the College of Education who talked about how to properly prepare our syllabus with OBE assessment and GAD integration. Finally, Engr. John Lester Mones talked about the preparation of course package, its importance, and components. There was an open forum after that talks in which the participants exchange ideas and ask questions to the speakers. The whole event was moderated by Engr. Jose Carlo Dizon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Engr. JRD finished his Master’s Degree in UPLB

The University of the Philippines – Los Banos Graduate School (UPLB-GS) had 223 graduates at its 49th Commencement Exercises last August 7, 2021. 51 received their doctoral and 172 finished their master’s degrees. One of its graduates was Engr. Jose Carlo R. Dizon from the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE). 

Engr. Dizon is DAFE’s alumnus who finished his degree in Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering degree last 2017. The same year, he was hired as Instructor teaching Mathematics and Agricultural Engineering subjects. To pursue his graduate studies, Engr. Dizon enrolled in the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering (MSAE) at UPLB Major in Land and Water Resources Engineering. This year, he finished his MS degree and is returning his teaching stint with the department.

Engr. Dizon specialized in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Land and Water Conservation Engineering, and Spatial Analysis. He has been a part of the university’s research about GIS studies.
We are very proud of your achievement Engr. JRD. Thumbs Up!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

DAFE, SPRINT Center, DIT conducted a collaborative Kaong Extension Project

     Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE), Sugar Palm Research, Information and Trade (SPRINT) Center, and Department of Information Technology (DIT) merged to create a collaborative extension project and to revive the Kaong Extension Project of the university. The faculty members from DAFE, represented by Dr. Marilyn Escobar, Engr. Al Owen Ferrera, and Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza-Olpot, collaborated and communicated to respective departments to strengthen one of the extension activities of the department, specifically the Kaong Project. 

The series of initial meetings were already conducted to conceptualize and craft the proposals, initiatives, as well as the calendar of activities about the said extension project. These had also identified the specialization of each department resulting to an improved and beneficial extension project for the target communities and individuals. The kick start of the project will be on September by training our adaptor, and later on can be extended to our adopted LGU, and other interested individuals.

DAFE Faculty participates in a Training Program for Teachers on Flexible Learning

The faculty members from the Department of Agriculture and Food Engineering, namely Engr. Jose Carlo Dizon, Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza-Olpot, and Engr. John Lester Mones participates in the training program entitled “Gearing Up for the New Normal: Training of Teachers on Flexible Learning”.

This program organized by University of the Philippines – Open University was a combination of synchronous and asynchronous sessions with a main goal of enabling the participants to lead trainers in their institutions by conducting a Teacher-Training Program. This also has equipped the participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools for the incoming semester of instruction.

The program consisted of a series of sessions from Module 1 to Module 10 which ran from July 1 – August 10, 2021. 

MODULE                                            TITLE

        1                              Flexible Learning
        2                              Designing your Course: The Backward Design Process
        3                              Module Writing/Course Materials Development
        4                              Developing the Teacher Training Curriculum
        5                              Assessment in Flexible Learning Mode
        6                              Course Delivery
        7                              Technologies in Teaching and Learning
        8                              Quality Assurance in the Flexible Learning Mode of Instruction
        9                              eLeadership; eClassroom Management
       10                             Emerging Trends in Education

Monday, May 31, 2021

CvSU PSABE-PPG conducts local PAES quiz contest and webinar

The Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers - Pre-Professional Group (PSABE-PPG) of Cavite State University conducted a Local PAEStigan Quiz Contest on May 21 and 28, 2021. The contest searches for outstanding students who have the potential to represent the university for the National PAES Quiz Contest held annually at the University of the Philippines - Los Baños. The local and national quiz contests also share the same goal of challenging the proficiency of ABE students about the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards. 

(Source: PSABE-PPG, CvSU Chapter)

The student organization also hosted their webinar series entitled "W-ABE-NAR: Unraveling the Potential of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Students to Achieve Boundless Endeavors" on May 29, 2021. Four areas of the agricultural and biosystems engineering field were covered in the webinar — namely rural electrification, food processing, land and water engineering, and automation and instrumentation. The resource speakers invited to share their knowledge and expertise on the topics were Engr. Rogelio G. Paulino Jr. (rural electrification), Engr. Paul Ryan Henry Manzon (food processing), Engr. Jose Carlo R. Dizon (land and water engineering), and Engr. Daniel G. Sierra (automation and instrumentation). 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Dr. David Cero shares his story on addressing climate change

The Cavite State University Extension Services recently hosted the continuation of their ISTORYA (Impactful Services and Transformative Opportunities in Response to the needs of the communitY and the Academe) webinar series with the second episode "Sustainable and Collective Efforts to Address Climate Change” on the 29th of April

Dr. David Cero was among the three invited speakers in the event where he shared the story of his recent research project and how he engaged in assessing the climate risk and vulnerability of the communities in the Southern Tagalog region.

The two other resource speakers in the said event were Prof. Noel Sedigo from the Department of Forestry and Environmental Sciences of CAFENR and Mr. John Ernest M. Mateo from the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Mojica, one of the recipients of PSABE Awards 2021

The Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers (PSABE) recognized Dr. Ruel M. Mojica as an "Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer from Higher Education" during the 70th PSABE Annual National Convention held April 26 to 28, 2021. The award is intended to bestow honor of exemplary contributions to the agricultural engineering profession. 

Dr. Ruel M. Mojica is the former director of the National Coffee Research, Development and Extension Center (NCRDEC) and former Vice President for Research and Extension of Cavite State University.

(Photo courtesy: PSABE)