Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Engr. JRD finished his Master’s Degree in UPLB

The University of the Philippines – Los Banos Graduate School (UPLB-GS) had 223 graduates at its 49th Commencement Exercises last August 7, 2021. 51 received their doctoral and 172 finished their master’s degrees. One of its graduates was Engr. Jose Carlo R. Dizon from the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE). 

Engr. Dizon is DAFE’s alumnus who finished his degree in Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering degree last 2017. The same year, he was hired as Instructor teaching Mathematics and Agricultural Engineering subjects. To pursue his graduate studies, Engr. Dizon enrolled in the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering (MSAE) at UPLB Major in Land and Water Resources Engineering. This year, he finished his MS degree and is returning his teaching stint with the department.

Engr. Dizon specialized in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Land and Water Conservation Engineering, and Spatial Analysis. He has been a part of the university’s research about GIS studies.
We are very proud of your achievement Engr. JRD. Thumbs Up!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

DAFE, SPRINT Center, DIT conducted a collaborative Kaong Extension Project

     Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE), Sugar Palm Research, Information and Trade (SPRINT) Center, and Department of Information Technology (DIT) merged to create a collaborative extension project and to revive the Kaong Extension Project of the university. The faculty members from DAFE, represented by Dr. Marilyn Escobar, Engr. Al Owen Ferrera, and Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza-Olpot, collaborated and communicated to respective departments to strengthen one of the extension activities of the department, specifically the Kaong Project. 

The series of initial meetings were already conducted to conceptualize and craft the proposals, initiatives, as well as the calendar of activities about the said extension project. These had also identified the specialization of each department resulting to an improved and beneficial extension project for the target communities and individuals. The kick start of the project will be on September by training our adaptor, and later on can be extended to our adopted LGU, and other interested individuals.

DAFE Faculty participates in a Training Program for Teachers on Flexible Learning

The faculty members from the Department of Agriculture and Food Engineering, namely Engr. Jose Carlo Dizon, Engr. Richelle Mae Mendoza-Olpot, and Engr. John Lester Mones participates in the training program entitled “Gearing Up for the New Normal: Training of Teachers on Flexible Learning”.

This program organized by University of the Philippines – Open University was a combination of synchronous and asynchronous sessions with a main goal of enabling the participants to lead trainers in their institutions by conducting a Teacher-Training Program. This also has equipped the participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools for the incoming semester of instruction.

The program consisted of a series of sessions from Module 1 to Module 10 which ran from July 1 – August 10, 2021. 

MODULE                                            TITLE

        1                              Flexible Learning
        2                              Designing your Course: The Backward Design Process
        3                              Module Writing/Course Materials Development
        4                              Developing the Teacher Training Curriculum
        5                              Assessment in Flexible Learning Mode
        6                              Course Delivery
        7                              Technologies in Teaching and Learning
        8                              Quality Assurance in the Flexible Learning Mode of Instruction
        9                              eLeadership; eClassroom Management
       10                             Emerging Trends in Education