Friday, October 28, 2022

DAFE holds workshop and design thinking on Future DAFE RDE Framework

An event called "Workshop and Design Thinking on Future DAFE Research, Development, and Extension (RDE) Framework" is held by the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE). Majority of the department's faculty members participated the activity. Dr. Ruel M. Mojica, who covers the presentation of new technologies, navigating the future, partnership between universities and industry, education, extension, research, innovation, internationalization, and the future of CvSU and DAFE, led the workshop.  

Photos during workshop and design thinking activities
Photo by JRDizon

The main objective of the workshop is crafting the RDE framework of DAFE aligned to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , Philippine Development PlanPhilippine government ten-point policy agenda, national priority plans, priority research areas of RDIs, and the RDE agenda of regional, provincial, and municipal local government units. RDE agenda of CvSU through OVPRE was also discussed.

L-R: DGSierra, JRDizon, JMPerido, MMSalona, LLCero, DLCero, AAFerrera, RMMOjica,
RMOlpot, KACrystal, ARFeraer, AAArpia, JPLucero, MROliver
Photo by KACrystal

Ultimately, the department is eyeing to conduct and publish numerous significant and responsive researches and development projects which can be extended to communities and other stakeholders.  The activity plays a vital role on strategizing the future of the department on research, development, and extension activities of the students, faculty members, and researchers, and with other key players and stakeholders. (KACrystal)

Thursday, October 27, 2022

DAFE attends ABE students' general assembly

After more than two years of life-changing effect of COVID-19, the Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Pre-professional group (PSABE-PPG) CvSU Chapter conducted its annual general assembly on October 27, 2022, with the theme"Mislabelled Pursuit". About three hundred agricultural and biosystems engineering (ABE) students from five-year levels and DAFE faculty members attended the event.

Source: PSABE-PPG CvSU Chapter Official Facebook Page

The purpose of the activity is to foster camaraderie among the participants, introduce the instructors and professors, and debate the organization's constitution and by-laws (CBL). The accomplishment and financial reports, as well as the activity calendar, were also presented. One of the phases in re-establishing the organization in compliance with its aim of serving as a hub for its members' social and academic growth is the conduct of this activity.

Source: PSABE-PPG CvSU Chapter Official Facebook Page

Inspirational messages from Dr. Ruel M. Mojica and Engr. Mariella Jezreel R. Oliver (2021 ABE Licensure Exam 8th Placer) were delivered during the assembly. The organization also congratulated the recent batch of the 2022 ABE Licensure Examination. Engr. Roy Ocampo shared his experiences as a student and his post-graduation life. He also emphasized the value of taking and passing the ABE licensure examination to advance an AE/ABE career, and the versatility of the AE/ABE profession. (KACrystal)

Source: PSABE-PPG CvSU Chapter Official Facebook Page
Photo by KACrystal

Friday, October 21, 2022

Dr. Ruel M. Mojica presents in NSAARRD 2022, receives certificates of Fairness Opinion for three coffee blends technology from DOST-CALABARZON

Dr. Ruel M. Mojica and his team qualified as finalist under the development catergory for this year's National Symposium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (NSAARRD) on October 19, 2022 hosted by DOST-PCAARRD. The said event was held at the DOST-PCAARRD, Innovation and Technology Center, Los Banos, Laguna, and was also simultaneously streamed in their official FB Page. Dr. Mojica's project on piloting and commercialization of specialty coffee blends is expected to provide income generating opportunities to coffee farmers and business investors.

This project was also awarded the Certificates of Fairness Opinion by DOST-CALABARZON for the three coffee blends technology in the Regional Science and Technology Week cum DOST Stakeholders Forum and Caravan held at Batangas State University.

THUMBS UP! Congratulations Dr. Mojica! (JRDizon)