Monday, February 28, 2022

Engr. Crystal bags a best paper award in iCEAT 2022

The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (iCEAT 2022) was conducted from February 22-24, 2022 with a theme: "Sustainable Agro-industrial and Food Engineering Systems (SAFE Systems): Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities". The conference was hosted by the College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT) of the University of the Philippines-Los Banos. The event is composed of plenary sessions with various renowned speakers across the globe who specializes in the fields of agro-industrial and food engineering. There were also presentations of different research studies that promote food safety, security, and sustainability. 


(Source: CEAT, UPLB Official FB Page)

Engr. Kelvin Michael A. Crystal, a faculty member of the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering and also the Project Development Officer (PDO) for the CvSU-PhilCAFE Program, participated in the said event and presented his work on the Development of Mechanical Coffee Bean Demucileger. Engr. Crystal together with his co-authors, Dr. Rossana Marie C. Amongo, Dr. Arthur L. Fajardo, and Prof. Glenn N. Baticados, won the 3rd Best Paper Award for the Food Systems, Bioprocess Engineering, and Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Track.

The Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering congratulates Engr. Crystal on this recognition. Continue your advocacy to improve and strengthen our coffee industry through agricultural and biosystems engineering! We are so proud of you! THUMBS Up! (JRDizon)