Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CEIT celebrates Paskuhan 2009

The College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT) celebrated its Paskuhan 2009 at the ITC lobby on 16 December 2009. It was participated by the faculty members and staff of the college headed by Engr. Renato B. Cubilla. The event was started with an invocation led by Engr. Leonardo B. Ruiz followed by a Christmas message from the dean of the college. Exchange gifts, games, raffles and presentation of different departments and units highlighted the event. The opening program was followed by dance presentation from each department and unit. The Department of Civil Engineering (DCE) together with the Physical Planning Unit (PPU) used puppets in their presentation while the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering (DAFE) did the LA walk. The combined Dean’s Office and University Computer Center (UCC) presented their number using various hip-hop songs. They also did some funny comic acts. Other remaining departments like the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering (DCEE), Department of Information Technology (DIT) and Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology (DIET) also used various hip-hop songs in their performances respectively. Dinner was served after the dance presentations of the six groups. It was followed by parlor games participated by the members of each department/unit. Exchanging of gifts followed after the DCE – PPU was awarded as the winner in the dance contest. Mr. Roscios G. Amante and Mr. John Mark Abanes hosted the program. (LRMontaron)