Thursday, September 28, 2023

DAFE Faculty Members attend University's 1st Future Science Leaders' Conference

DAFE faculty members, Engr. Al Owen Roy A. Ferrera and Engr. Jose Carlo R. Dizon attended the 1st Future Science Leaders' Conference as part of the University's Research and Extension Week 2023. The conference served as an avenue for experts in the field of Science, Technology, and Social Sciences to share their expertise in research, innovation, and best practices in doing research and to inspire young researchers or early career scientists to continue their journey in conducting valuable research and innovation for sustainable development.

Engr. Ferrera (top) and Engr. Dizon (bottom center) during the event

Dr. Lourdes J. Cruz, National Scientist, and Dr. Bernardo N. Sepeda, Executive Director of the National Research Council of the Philippines graced the event with inspirational plenary sessions. Dr. Cruz discussed the various initiatives of Future Earth Philippines and provided a framework for the problems needing necessary solutions. She also explained the ways how to inculcate the SDGs in creating solutions to these problems. Meanwhile, Dr. Sepeda shared the reasons why people do research and the important role of higher education in advocating for it, from teaching, to research, and to extending it to the community for development.

The event participants with the resource speakers